Thursday, February 12, 2015

11th - 12th Grade Opportunity Free SAT PREP - STARTS EARLY OCTOBER 2014

Let's Get Ready Programs

For High School Students

To become a Let's Get Ready student - see the full list of program locations near you.
Programs are open to high school juniors and seniors who have qualifying financial need.
Let's Get Ready programs run in the spring, summer and fall. Each program is approximately nine weeks and meets for three hours at least twice a week. Let's Get Ready programs are free to students and include:
  • 30 hours of intensive instruction on the foundational math and critical reading/writing skills that the SAT covers and that are necessary to succeed in college.
  • 2-3 diagnostic SAT tests taken for practice and to gauge student progress.
  • 15 hours of comprehensive information and guidance regarding college selection, applications, financial aid and scholarships.
  • College Trips
  • Small classes (with no more than five students) led by college student Coaches who mentor and inspire the high school students.
For Coaches 

To become a Let's Get Ready coach, please see the full list of program locations on the sidebar and click on the program near you.

Coaches are primarily college students. However, during the summer we do accept a limited number of young professionals.

Coaches must:
  • Have scored at least a 600 on the subject area in which they would like to teach
  • Be attending or attended an institution of higher learning
  • Be willing to devote at least three hours, one day a week to teach and prepare for class
  • Attend a mandatory training
Let's Get Ready's program model is highly replicable and effective because of the strength of our partnerships with colleges, high schools and community organizations. Programs in the fall and spring terms are built upon collaborations with colleges and universities, which are then partnered with specific high schools and/or community organizations. In the summer, programs partner with community organizations and/or local high schools.
Let’s Get Ready College Partners 
Amherst College, Babson College, Barnard College, Boston College, Clark University, Colgate University, College of the Holy Cross, Columbia University, Cornell University, CUNY Black Male Initiative (NYC College of Technology, Hostos Community College and York College), Dartmouth College, Fairfield University, Fordham University, Hamilton College, Hampshire College, Harvard University, Lesley University, Mount Holyoke College, New York University, Northeastern University, Princeton University, Smith College, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University of Pennsylvania, Vassar College, Wellesley College and Wesleyan University.

Text Taken from Web Page

Sunday, October 27, 2013

DREAM - Specialized High Schools Institute (SHSI) - NYC 6th Grade

What is DREAM – The Specialized High Schools Institute (DREAM - SHSI)?

DREAM – SHSI is a 22-month extracurricular program of rigorous coursework designed to assist eligible NYC public school students in preparing for the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT). DREAM – SHSI coursework emphasizes verbal and math skills, problem-solving, critical analysis, time management, and test-taking strategies specific to the SHSAT.

What is the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT)?

The SHSAT is the test used to determine admission to the following eight Specialized High Schools:
· The Bronx High School of Science
· Brooklyn Technical High School
· The Brooklyn Latin School
· High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering at City College
· High School of American Studies at Lehman College
· Queens High School for the Sciences at York College
· Staten Island Technical High School
· Stuyvesant High School

Who is eligible to apply for DREAM - SHSI?

Public School Student Eligibility:
To be eligible to apply for DREAM 2016, a public school student must meet ALL the following criteria:

• be a current NYC resident,
• be a current 6th grade student,
• be economically disadvantaged as defined by Title I Free Lunch status,
• have a minimum scale score of 312 on the 2012 grade 5 NYS ELA exam,
• have a minimum scale score of 306 on the 2012 grade 5 NYS math exam, and
• have had a minimum attendance rate of 90% during grade 5.

How does a student apply for the DREAM – SHSI program?

Public school students who meet the eligibility criteria described above will receive an invitation letter and a pre-populated application delivered to their schools in Fall 2013. Applications must be completed and returned to the schools by the date indicated on the application form. Once applications have been reviewed and the eligibility status of all applications has been certified, offer letters to students for placement in the DREAM – SHSI program will be generated through a random selection process and mailed directly to students’ homes from the Division of Equity and Access. Should the number of eligible applicants exceed the number of available seats, DREAM – SHSI participants will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible candidates. Students who are offered a placement in the program must attend a mandatory orientation with a parent or guardian to finalize acceptance of the offer. Eligible students who are not offered placement through the random selection process will also be notified by letter from the Division of Equity and Access and will be placed on a waitlist.

To be accepted into DREAM – SHSI, the students/families must commit to participating for the full 22-months. The components are outlined below.

When does DREAM - SHSI take place?

The DREAM – SHSI program consists of five components:

Grade Level
Step D
6th Graders
January - June 2013
(16 sessions)
(9:00 AM – 1:00 PM)  
Step R
Rising 7th Graders 
July – August 2013
(20 sessions)
Monday – Thursday
(9:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
Step E
7th Graders
November – June 2014
(32 sessions)
(4:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
(9:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
Step A
Rising 8th Graders
July –August 2014
(20 sessions)
Monday – Thursday
(9:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
Step M
8th Graders 
September – October 2014
(18 sessions)
Tuesday & Thursday
(4:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
(9:00 AM – 1:00 PM)

Where does the DREAM – SHSI program take place?

DREAM – SHSI will be offered at 20 locations throughout the five boroughs. Students who are offered a placement in the program will be advised of program locations in their offer letter from the Division of Equity and Access.

Click <here> for origin
Questions Regarding SHSI?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

High School Juniors - QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship - Application Deadline March 27, 2013

The College Prep Scholarship is for high school juniors and is completely free.  Full instructions and a list of frequently asked questions regarding the application process are available online at

                                          What is the College Prep Scholarship?


The College Prep Scholarship is for high school juniors and is completely free. . Full instructions and a list of frequently asked questions regarding the application process are available online at 
QuestBridge's College Prep Scholarship provides unparalleled opportunities that level the playing field of college admissions for high-achieving low-income students. Applicants selected as College Prep Scholars will receive one or more of the awards listed below. Read more about some of last year's successful College Prep Scholars who are attending top colleges next year on full College Match scholarships! 
 Full Scholarships to Summer Programs at Leading Universities
Approximately 40 applicants will receive full scholarships to summer school programs at Brandeis, Emory, Harvard, Notre Dame, Penn, Stanford, or Yale. The scholarships cover the full cost of travel, tuition, health insurance, books, and room and board for the summer program. Read more.

Individualized College Admissions Counseling

60 College Prep Scholars will be paired with either a member of QuestBridge's staff or a current Quest Scholar college student who will provide personalized college admissions counseling. Read more.

College Admissions Conferences

More than 2,000 students will be invited to one of QuestBridge’s College Admissions Conferences, which will be held this year at Northwestern, Yale, and Stanford. Conference participants will attend workshops on how low-income students can successfully apply to leading colleges. They will also meet college admissions officers and learn more about the opportunities that QuestBridge offers. Read more.

Watch a video about our conferences!

All-Expense-Paid Campus Visits

All College Prep Scholars will receive campus visit nominations, and at least 100 of these nominees will ultimately be invited by QuestBridge partner colleges to visit their campus, all expenses paid. Read more. 

Telementoring with College Students

Approximately 300 College Prep Scholars will be invited to apply for a telementoring award with Amherst College. Generally, most College Prep Scholars that choose to apply are selected and paired with an Amherst College student who will advise them by phone and e-mail about the college admissions process. Read more.

Quest for Excellence Awards

Students with a range of backgrounds and interests will receive awards such as new laptop computers or funding for college visits through the Quest for Excellence program, a supplement to the College Prep Scholarship. Read more.
Through the Quest for Excellence program, Jewish high school juniors who meet the QuestBridge criteria of academic excellence, economic need, and demonstrated leadership will automatically be considered for the Fein Fellows Award, a program offered by the Edward Fein Foundation. Read more. 

Further QuestBridge Opportunities

The QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship gives students a jumpstart on college admissions by serving as a starting point for the National College Match application for high school seniors. Read more.


Friday, March 1, 2013

Link Educations's K-12 Education Expo - April 6, 2012

Mark your callendars and register for our upcomming 7th Annual K-12 Education Expo on April 6th 2013! We are very excited to bring you another action packed event filled with performances, workshops and vendors at NYU Kimmel Center. Check out our pictures and workshops from last year's Expo to get a sense of what our 7th Annual event will be like. See you this Spring!


The K-12 Education Expo is a great event for families, educators, administrators and anyone with a passion for education. Make this an outing your whole school or family can enjoy: with educational workshops, kid-friendly activities, book signing with free books, and representatives from over 40+ education programs, the FREE K-12 Expo is not to be missed!



To view additional photos of the hundreds of participants, abundance of vendors, excellent workshop presenters, and astounding entertainment that participated in the 6th Annual K-12 Education Expo please visit the LinkEducation Facebook page.

2013 Workshops

Our 2013 workshops are shaping up to be some of our best yet! Take a look at the ever-growing list below, and stay tuned for frequent updates:

"Financial Literacy for Kids" by Cents-Ability
  • "Nutrition Tips" by Red Rabbit
  • "Managing Difficult Behavior" by Ramapo for Children
  • "Parenting from the Inside Out" by Raising Great Men
  • "Build a Carniverous Bog" by New York Botanical Gardens
  • "Supermarket Gardening" by New York Botanical Gardens

Workshops are free and open to all attendees. In the coming weeks, recommended audiences (including children, parents, teachers, and school leaders) will be provided to help you determine the most appropriate workshops for you. We will also provide a schedule so that you may tailor your K-12 Expo experience accordingly.

2013 Vendors

Our 2013 vendor list is strong and growing! Take a peek at who's already coming, and stay tuned as more are added all the time!

·  ArtsConnection
·  Calpulli Mexican Dance Company
·  Cents-Ability
·  Flamenco Latino
·  Harlem Educational Activities Fund (HEAF)
·  High 5 Tickets to the Arts
·  LinkEducation
·  Little Flower Yoga
·  Making Books Sing
·  New York Botanical Gardens
·  Ramapo for Children
·  Red Rabbit
·  The Salvadori Center
·  Treehouse Shakers

2013 Activities & Performances

Our 2013 activity & performance list is starting to sizzle! Take a look at the list and stay tuned for more as they are added:

"Mexican Folk Dance Class" by Calpulli Mexican Dance
  • "Yoga for Little Kids" by Little Flower Yoga
  • "Mommy and Me Flamenco Dance Class" by Flamenco Latino

All of these fun interactive activites and performances are free and open to all attendees.

Text Taken From Web Page

Friday, February 15, 2013

11th - 12th Grade Opportunity Free SAT PREP

Let's Get Ready Programs
For High School Students

To become a Let's Get Ready student - see the full list of program locations near you.

Programs are open to high school juniors and seniors who have qualifying financial need.
Let's Get Ready programs run in the spring, summer and fall. Each program is approximately nine weeks and meets for three hours at least twice a week. Let's Get Ready programs are free to students and include:

30 hours of intensive instruction on the foundational math and critical reading/writing skills that the SAT covers and that are necessary to succeed in college.
2-3 diagnostic SAT tests taken for practice and to gauge student progress.
15 hours of comprehensive information and guidance regarding college selection, applications, financial aid and scholarships.
College Trips
Small classes (with no more than five students) led by college student Coaches who mentor and inspire the high school students.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

11th Grade Opportunity - Summer Science Program (Deadline March 1, 2013)

The Summer Science Program (SSP) is a residential enrichment program in which gifted high school students complete a challenging, hands-onresearch project in celestial mechanics.By day, students learn college-level astronomy, physics, calculus, and programming. By night, working in teams of three, they take a series of telescopic observations of a near-earth asteroid, and write software to convert those observations into a prediction of the asteroid's orbit around the sun. Stimulating guest speakers and field trips round out the curriculum.

This venerable program has drawn young scientists from around the world for over 50 years, accelerating their intellectual and personal development, and inspiring them to seek equally challenging educational and career paths. ManySSP alumni have gone on to distinguish themselves at selective universities, then to positions of leadership in their chosen careers.
Established in 1959 at Thacher School in Ojai, California, SSP became an independent non-profit in 2000. It now takes place at two campuses: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, and Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.

"SSP remains the most academically cohesive and intense educational experience I have ever had. That, I suspect, is true for most who are fortunate enough to attend it. If it weren't for SSP my vision would be narrower, my aspirations less ambitious, and my life less rich. I don't exaggerate."
--Dr. E.C. Krupp SSP '61, Director, Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles

"What surprised me was that it wasn't the rigors of learning orbit determination that had the greatest impact in shaping my outlook on life and my future career - but the social experiences. Pulling an all-nighter after your own work was completed, just to help your friends. Keeping team (and TA!) morale high at 3 am. Academically SSP is both rigorous and unique, but what makes it very special and very dear are the social, 'coming-of-age' experiences that I am absolutely certain cannot be had anywhere else. The bonding, the late night discussions, and the whole experience, are unparalleled even years later."
--Ryan Kabir SSP 2000
[read more quotes from alumni, young and old]

The Summer Science Program values a diverse community in terms of gender, ethnicity, citizenship, socioeconomic status, and national origin. Young women and traditionally underrepresented minority students are especially encouraged to apply.

How To Apply

SSP's college-like experience starts with the application. To open your application, first complete an online form that tells us a little about you, including your contact info, campus preference, test scores, and coursework. You can log back in later (before the deadline) to change or add information.

Next, download the application instructions and forms.. The rest of your application will consist of Short Answers, official transcript, test score reports, evaluations from your current math and science teachers, and an optional third evaluation from some other adult who knows you well. Incomplete applications cannot be reviewed. Give your teachers as much time as possible to complete their evaluations.

(This is just a summary; the application document contains detailed instructions.)

If you attend school outside the USA, or your US visa expires before August: your application must arrive at our office by Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013.

If you attend school in the USA: your application must arrive at our office by Friday, March 1, 2013.
Send it by courier or mail to: SSP Admissions, 108 Whiteberry Dr, Cary, NC 27519 USA. (We recommend using a method that confirms delivery, especially from outside the US.) Reviewers will carefully consider all of the information presented in your application. Admissions decisions are sent by both email and letter as soon as possible, about 6 weeks after the respective deadline.

Click here > Admissions Overview

Text Taken From Web Page

Monday, February 11, 2013

8th Grade NYC - Legal Outreach Summer Law Institute (Accepting Applications on a rolling basis - Final Applications are Due March 1st)

Click here >  Legal Outreach  (Accepting applications on a rolling basis - See Web Page for requirements) 

The Summer Law Institute is an intensive five-week program for rising ninth graders that seeks to inspire students to strive for academic excellence and to pursue careers in the law. The program, which includes a criminal justice and trial process curriculum, guest speakers, field trips and a mock trial competition, also teaches students time management, essay writing and test taking skills, good study habits, and professionalism so that they are uniquely prepared to succeed in high school.  

SLI students are recruited from various junior high schools in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx beginning in January.  Individual and group interviews take place through the end of March with final decisions being announced in April.  About 24-32 students will be accepted to each of our six SLIs at each of our partnering institutions, which include Columbia Law School, NYU Law School, Brooklyn Law School, Fordham Law School, St. John's Law School and New York Law School.  If Legal outreach does not recruit at your child's school, please feel free to download the attached application.  

To find out whether your school is on the list of schools where we recruit, please e-mail

Students accepted to participate in an SLI are required to attend the entire program.  The SLI 2013 will take place July 1, 2013 to the August 2, 2013.  Further, students must participate in an SLI to be eligible to apply to Legal Outreach's four-year College Bound program.  

(Text displayed in Web Page)